College Diaries (Can We Still Call it That?) Morning Routine- April 3, 2020

You all seemed to like my first “college diary” entry on my blog, so I was inspired to do another. Our lives look different than they did a month ago, and since then I’ve wished to be a fly on other people’s quarantined walls. What are others spending their time at home doing? Are we all living parallel lives in different buildings or will we all remember this quarantine dramatically differently than our neighbors?

I intended to make this a full day but then simply forgot… so here is my morning.

9 AM: After a semi-sleepless night and a few horrifying nightmares of ex-boyfriends and a dog-snake slithering into my house, I wake up to a dry mouth and slight headache (I can blame this on the wine I was consuming while living vicariously through Elio in CMBYN last night). It takes me about 30 TikToks (convert that into a time currency however you see fit) to finally slide out of bed and head downstairs.

9:43: I finish my green tea and wait for my cousins to join me in the kitchen. I’ve been quarantining with them for the past week or so, and I’ve become somewhat dependent on their company. The room is hot from heating up an oven stone– after a week of anticipation (apparently sourdough starter is very hard to make), my cousin Sara will *finally* get to bake her bread. We all have an emotional attachment to it by now.

10:14 AM: The bread goes in the oven.

10:47 AM: The bread comes out. It needs to cool.


10:56 AM: The sourdough took on a funky cave-like structure (we are taking turns hypothesizing why this may have happened), but tastes as good as could be. I proceed to eat about 5 slices- first with butter and jam, then I graduate to hummus, pepper, and scrambled eggs. This paired with iced coffee is just *CHEF’S KISS* on a rainy day (it is, in fact, a rainy day).

12:02 PM: I keep switching tabs between a social strategy plan I am putting together, this blog post, the @manrepeller Instagram (for research purposes until it becomes a Leandra Cohen deep-dive), and an influencer network sign-up page. The tabs I am selectively avoiding are my college course assignment pages.

12:46: I retreat upstairs and join my first Zoom meeting of the day for said project.


1:42: I wrap up my call and head back downstairs for our daily 4 1/2 mile walk. I hope at least my legs look nice by the end of quarantine.

So there it is, a look into a carbo-fueled morning in my quarantine. What does your morning look like?

For a more “mundane” college day in the life at Syracuse University from a few months back, read this. 

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10 responses to “College Diaries (Can We Still Call it That?) Morning Routine- April 3, 2020”

  1. Love this blog post! It’s like reading a story. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Such a nice chill post! My mornings start out slow, maybe a bit too slow… but truly just as good as can be with some nice breakfast and then also with online school, or a little run around the block to get that body moving!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. i love call me by your name so much 🙂 and thank you for your blog posts and staying active on socials! i loved this one

    Liked by 1 person

  4. margot, your writing is so well done! I could totally see it in a man repeller blogpost!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved this! I’m a junior and have also been college-ing in quarantine. good luck with final papers projects and finals!!! if you do change up your routine during reading period, could you write an updated morning/evening log/routine type thing?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. […] recently read a blog post written by Margot Lee about her morning routine in quarantine. Her post inspired me to share a […]

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love this! That sourdough bread looks so good.


  8. […] was inspired to write a “Quarantine diary” from Margot Lee’s blog, and I believe she got the idea from NY Times. However, this isn’t necessarily a […]


  9. […] is inspired by Margot Lee’s college diary entry on her blog. She’s awesome, and I love her style. As you can probably tell, my blog’s […]


  10. Katelynn Showers Avatar
    Katelynn Showers

    I love hearing about how people spend their days, especially during quarantine!


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