New Years Resolutions 2018

There’s a certain stigma associated with resolutions that makes them seem temporary, almost fleeting. I’d like to challenge you to think of resolutions less as a short term goal that can be accomplished by checking off a few boxes, and more as an opportunity to reflect on the previous year and pinpoint what you may want to improve on or work towards not for the next 12 months but the rest of your life.

I think the thing that turns me off about New Years Resolutions is that you can, in fact, start working towards goals any day of the year, but take this time to publicize what you are working on and start making strides to get there. The good news is you can pick up unfinished projects whenever you please, so never feel limited in things you want to improve on or pick up.

I’ve listed a few of my resolutions this year below. Feel free to adopt them or adapt them to fit into your life, but I’m excited to start focusing my efforts to make these happen and checking back every so months to remind myself of what still needs to be done.


  1. Disconnect from my phone completely when people are talking to me.

    This is something I (embarrassingly) need to work on. The past few months, I’ve noticed myself scrolling through my phone while people are in conversation with me which isn’t only completely rude on my part but also just sad. There is so much in this word we could all be experiencing but instead have our noses nuzzled in our phones. This will be my time to become less reliant on my phone and more present.

  2. Keep my desk clean and organized.

    Although my room or dorm can get a little messy sometimes, I have taught myself to clean completely every few days when I have the time. Something I want to forego, however, is using my desk as a resting place for random junk that piles up in my room. I’m very lucky to have a desk in my room at school and at home, and I want to start utilizing it in a more efficient way. Even if I don’t use it to do work (I prefer doing work in a study room or café), whenever my desk is clean I feel a lot more relaxed and internally organized.

  3. Learn what my style is.

    I’m pretty happy with the way I dress but wouldn’t say I have a distinct style or go-to “look”. I really admire Aimee Song in the way that she always looks put together, regardless of the setting she is put in. I want to learn more about fashion through reading and observing, and one thing I have loved doing this past year is saving photos on Instagram and Pinterest and making a collection of outfit inspirations, but I’m getting to the age where I would love to be more comfortable owning my own look and feeling more comfortable playing with fashion.

  4. READ!

    OK, this is my cliche resolution. But seriously, I feel like I’m missing out on a lot by not reading more regularly. I think this also goes hand in hand with Resolution #1… less dependency on my phone and more on the outside world. If you have book suggestions, comment them on this post! I’m thinking of getting a Kindle too… thoughts?

  5. Blog more.

    I made this blog for a reason- I love sharing with you and I love writing. Even though I’m not the best at the latter, this platform serves as a practice space for me to evolve and develop my own writing style. This year, I want to aim for around 3 blog posts a month (I have to stay realistic with school) so if you guys have any requests, comment them here or tweet them to me!

  6. Leave chapped lips in 2017.

    Because chapped lips are gross. And easy to fix. For cheap. 

  7. Let the people you love know you love them.

    I had a mini freakout about a month ago because I felt that I wasn’t transparent enough about how much I care about certain people in my life. Immediate family, extended family, close friends, friends you don’t get to see enough, partners, YOU NAME IT, there are so many ways to show affection to these people. Phone calls and texts are always nice, but nothing can replace hand written notes!! Seriously!! It’s so easy to do and will certainly put me more at ease about my relationships with others.

  8. Continue to journal & schedule.

    This has certainly been a lifesaver in my busy 2017 and I know it will continue to be a huge help going forward. If you want some tips, watch this video I made about my experiences journaling!


    Cook more

    – Print out pictures

    -Talk more about issues I actually really care about on youtube. (ie: health, fitness, climate change, veganism, self care, mental health…)


Thats all for now! Again, although you can start new goals at any time, take this time of year as an opportunity to foresee what you might want to change and work on. YOU GOT THIS, GANG!


15 responses to “New Years Resolutions 2018”

  1. Book recommendations: I really like The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins (thriller) and All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven (young adult). That’s what I can think of on the spot but I think you should definitely check out Goodreads. It’s an app where you can share the books your read, rate and review them and you can also set reading goals for the year ahead. It’s a great way of keeping yourself motivated and it also recommend you many tutles depending on the genres you prefer. It’s basically a social media platform for book lovers. There are also many people on YouTube who have devoted their channels entirely to books. Some of my favourites are polandbananasBOOKS, Lily C Reads and itsdivya. Hopefully this will help!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. first of all, yes, get a kindle!!!! I just got one and I love it. I read ao much and my favorite way to find new books is the app goodreads. whether you have heard of it or not, you should totally get it and keep it updated with the books you read so you can get recommendations. love this post, happy 2018 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello! I absoutely Love your blog and your youtube. I’ve been subscribed to your YouTube for some time now and I seriously Watch every video. I am currently trying to start a YouTube and have made my own blog. Do you have any tips or anything that will help me to find success. I am having trouble getting my blog out there. Thanks for all you do, your beauty inside and out inspires me.

    You are so loved.
    Julia Elizabeth.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. For starters, defo get a kindle! Books are a lot cheaper on them, and makes it so much easier to transport. For me personally a paperback copy of a book is a lot more sentimental, but kindles are practical and easy to use in the long term. A book that I really recommend is Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. It’s a first hand account of an infamous Mount Everest expedition, and even if you aren’t into climbing mountains and hiking (which I was most definitely not before I read it) it’s nice to read something a little different, and puts into perspective the little things in life. There’s more to the book beyond the actual story, which is what i enjoyed so much about it. Sorry this was so long!


  5. I don’t know about the kindle because nothing is better than the smell and the feeling of a real book. Books I really like are:
    -All the bright places by Jennifer Niven
    – Looking for Alaska by John Green
    – Amateurs by Sara Shepard
    – One of us is lying by Karen M. Mcmanus
    – Harry Potter series (might be basic but it it really good)
    – or any book series at all, they get you addicted so fast and you just want to buy the next book every time you finish one
    – Everyday by David Levithan
    And much more that I can’t think of right now

    Liked by 1 person

  6. ahh margot ily. a book recommendation is The Princess Saves Herself in This One by Amanda Lovelace. it’s not a typical book (its poetry) but I found myself finishing it in one night even though I don’t typically read a lot. I wish you luck on your resolutions!


  7. I would say no to the kindle, I love have a real book to hold in my hands and mark up and enjoy. But some books I suggest are the Selection Series (Maybe a little lower than your level of reading. In university but the story is AMAZING.) Me before you is a heart-stopper, It’s a romance but also leaves wonderful message. and ILY MARGOT LEE!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. juliabertassoli Avatar

    Margot! You never fail to inspire me to live a life full of love and good energy. Here is a little note to remind you that you have an audience that loooves the content you put out in the world and that looks forward to keeping up with you in the future! Oh, and the Harry Potter books are my absolute favorite, I am sure you would love them! Happy 2018 Margot!


  9. Caitlin Tess Chapman Avatar
    Caitlin Tess Chapman

    We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson is great and also fairly short! Happy New Year! x


  10. I love your blogs and your youtube videos! You are such an inspiration! I am obsessed with reading so I thought I’d share some of my favorites from 2017 that I read:
    -Outlander Series (there are 8 I think, but the first one is called Outlander and it is SO good).
    -The Mara Dyer Trilogy (SO good).
    -All The Light We Cannot See
    -Light Between Oceans
    -Casual Vacancy
    These are just a few, I haven’t done much reading since I started college this fall, but these were the ones I got to finish!


  11. Ashley Anderson Avatar
    Ashley Anderson

    I wouldn’t recommend a kindle, I got one years ago and only used it for the first month and to occasionally use when my phone was messed up. I don’t think it ends up saving you a lot of money, unless you actually read a lottt. And the thing I like about books is giving my eyes a break from staring at a screen so much, so I prefer paper books.
    Book Recs:
    The Alchemist- Paul Coelho
    The Glass Castle- Jeanette Walls
    The Magic of Thinking Big- David Schwartz


  12. Great resolutions Margot! I recently reflected on mine on my blog too, and enjoyed being able to put my thoughts into physical form for all to see ! i hope to use the feelings of renewal and redevelopment brought by the New Year energy any other times of the year when i feel stuck. in fact, that may be my biggest resolution! Sarah, xo


  13. Love all of these! I can definitely relate to most of them 🙂 and I agree, don’t wait for the New Year, or the next Monday, or the 1st of a month, START RIGHT NOW. I started applying this to my life a lot more in the past six months or so and I am so glad.

    Also, when you start reading more books, please tweet about them! I need recommendations ASAP.


  14. I am a huge fan of your youtube and of your blog and i think that your resolutions are great goals 💕 i love reading and poetry and my all time favorite book (atm) is diary of an oxygen thief! worth the read for sure!


  15. […] book recommendations? Check out the amazing comments on this blog post for some inspo from your blog reading […]


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