I’m Not Vegan Anymore

And let me explain why…

This isn’t a blog post I want to put out, and in fact, I’ve been putting it off for about a month for that reason. I’m nervous for you all to read what I have to say and I’m even more nervous to hear what you have to say. But part of letting you all into my life is being honest and truthful and this is something I know I shouldn’t keep to myself for much longer.

I’m not vegan anymore.

I was vegan for a little over two years- no fish, dairy, eggs, meat, gelatin- you name it. I loved being vegan and I loved why I was vegan- I knew I was making the biggest difference I could for this planet. But it came to a point where it was unrealistic for me. Some people might call me selfish but first, let me explain myself.

When I first became vegan, I was all for it. I loved how I felt, how I looked, discovering new foods, challenging myself to altering recipes, etc… Even when I went to college my freshman year, I looked at finding vegan foods a fun challenge, not a hassle. My cousin even went vegan shortly after me so family gatherings weren’t stressful- we would always make a game plan for our own meals. (Two very successful vegan Thanksgivings in the BOOKS!)

I really don’t have many negative things to say about veganism and I’m not here to bash the lifestyle or diet. So why did I stop?

At the beginning of the month, I decided to start incorporating eggs and fish into my diet. I came to this decision for a few reasons. Firstly, and most importantly, I was getting tired of the constraints of being vegan for two years. It almost became a chore, and instead of looking forward to each meal I would become stressed out thinking about it. It started to feel like my options were limited, it was harder for me to enjoy the foods that would give me the nutrients I needed, and I was starting to become curious again about some of the foods that I hadn’t been eating.

Secondly- as a YouTuber, I have been invited to a number of events and trips where eating strictly vegan would put a strain on the hosts. Of course restaurants will always have alternatives which I was happy to find or create on my own time or budget, but when it came to being a difficult guest, being strictly vegan felt a little awkward and challenging for those around me.

Veganism is something I have loved and would definitely come back to at some point in my life. But if I continued to push myself into this lifestyle at a point in my life where it became something that didn’t make sense anymore, I could see myself starting to resent it.

I know that veganism is a mindset and a lifestyle- something more than just a diet. I respect that and admit that I might not fall into the same restraints that I did before, but I’m still doing everything I can in a way that works for me to be eco-friendly,  That’s why even though I may not be eating “vegan”, I still consider myself plant-based (90% or more of what I eat does not contain eggs, fish, or dairy) and I aim to be as responsibly sustainable as I can be.

THAT BEING SAID, I have absolutely nothing against veganism and would still go vegan again at some point in the future. Put simply, I just needed a break. Everything good comes in moderation, and knowing myself I would start to resent the lifestyle if I forced myself into it for too long. I’m inspired again to find new things in my life I can start to do to be more eco-friendly that I never considered. I am sourcing my eggs and fish sustainability, teaching myself more eco-friendly tricks I can incorporate, and continuing to spread the word of the incredible things veganism has done for my life and mindset. It has taught me discipline, creativity, openness to new flavors and food, and the goodness that fruits and vegetables can do for a body.

I have considered this for a while and decided this was the best option for my lifestyle at this time. That being said, though, if you are thinking about going vegan, TRY IT OUT!! I have never learned more about my body, food, or the effect animal agriculture has on the enviornment than I did while I was becoming vegan and the over two years I was vegan. If you have questions or want advice, feel free to ask me, I’m happy to talk about it.

Here are some of my favorite pro-vegan/ plant based movies:


Forks Over Knives


What The Health

And here are some of my favorite vegan blogs:

Sarah Lemkus love her vlogs!

Vegfeatures good “all in one spot”

Earthy Andy- family GOALS.

Dylan- friend of a friend and insanely talented!! college student in NYC and so creative with food.


With all my love,



32 responses to “I’m Not Vegan Anymore”

  1. You go girl.
    Do what is right for you and your body. No one has the right to tell you what you can and can’t eat, or how your life should be.

    I’m a vegetarian and people are always hassling me about why I don’t just go vegan. It’s my choice and that’s the way I want to live so they can just deal with it ✌🏼

    Do whatever makes you happy Margot ❤️

    Erin – from Australia



    1. You are amazing Margot! You don t have to be ashamed of not being vegan anymore it’s totally fine as long as your body feels happy too. As for me I’m not planning on going vegan but definitely would like to go vegetarian for a year (or more). Keep up with your good work girl, kisses from Portugal. Xx


    2. So, you felt there were one or two constraints put on you by a vegan lifestyle … how awful for you you shallow selfish little person … hadn’t you noticed the constraints put upon innocent animals intended to feed the arrogant and self obsessed of the world? … they suffer abuse, fear, misery pain and a savage early death to pander to your whims … and not one of them ever did anything wrong to deserve it


  2. I was vegan for almost a year and i decided to stop for many of the reasons you did. It was always awkward when i went to friends’ houses and they already made a meal that wasn’t vegan. I always felt bad for asking for something else and i also felt like it was a hassle. I still believe that being vegan is the best option for your health and helps the planet so i will definitely go vegan again in the future. I totally understand the benefits and the chore of being a vegan so i completely back you up on your decision.
    You do you girl!
    – Julia

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You are so awesome for acknowledging this and willing to share! I’ve been trying to eat healthy but I’m also gluten and lactose free and felt that it was straining whenever I told anyone so I’d endure the pain instead of speaking up. Now that I have and spoke to my parents, I was able to get some pills for both when it was challenging if there was no food I could eat- but it also gave me the opportunity to eat healthy at home and feel better.


  4. Thank you for sharing this with us! While I’m not vegan myself, I’ve been in many situations where people questioned or didn’t understand why I️ did certain things or acted certain ways. This post has really opened up my eyes and shown me how important is I️t to stay true to myself and not make me resent the things I️ love!


  5. Hi Margot! Loved this post! I am not vegan but I try tp eat as healthy as I can and help the environment… Could you please do a blog post where you share your eco-friendly tricks that we can incorporate in our lives?
    Much love xoxo


  6. I am so proud of you Margot and relate to this so much. I am a vegetarian and have been for 9 years and I get asked a lot why I’m not vegan, quite simply I’m not in the mind set to commit to it or enjoy it. It takes a lot to speak up and recognise when you need a break so don’t feel bad at all for making this decision and well done on listening to what you need to do and not letting the opinions of others rule your life.
    I am so proud of you Margot and I am so sorry this was hard for you to say. I hope anyone with a negative opinion keeps it to themselves.

    Lots of love and I look forward to see you thrive even more in your new lifestyle xoxo


  7. If your town allows it, I would get pet chickens. If you get them from the right breeder then your girls will produce and live for a long time. For me, it’s the only way I’ll eat eggs because it’s one of the only ways I know the hens are being treated, fed and housed fairly. And they’re one of the most entertaining animals you could watch as they just scratch around the yard and interact with each other.

    Obviously not all towns or county’s will allow chickens but if you have the opportunity at any time in your life I would highly recommend getting pet chickens


  8. I’m so happy you decided to post this. I think the underlying message is so, so, so important. Of course it’s great to do what you can for others, especially the planet, but like the saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty glass” and you need to take care of yourself first.
    I think you’re courageous for recognizing that, doing what is best for you, and owning that decision. You go girl!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Don’t feel like you have to make excuses for the way you choose to live your life! Keep in mind, vegetarianism is often better for the environment than veganism, due to all of the processed meat replacements and packaged/processed foods made specially for vegans. You’re young, no one can be perfect but you’re doing more than most and most importantly, you’re trying and speaking from a platform about the importance of living an eco-conscious life. That’s more than most can say they do. Enjoy your life, don’t torture yourself! There are so many different ways we can help our planet!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Proud of you, Margot! Do what you need to do. I believe that buying eco-friendly fish and eggs can be even more powerful in changing the world because not only are you quitting the bad companies, but you are supporting the good ones. I hope you are enjoying all the flavors out there.

    xo Juliette

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s an awesome way to think of it!! Thanks Juliette 🙂


  11. This must have been so hard for you but I’m so glad you felt you could share! You have to do what’s right for you and O understand completely. I have gone from vegan to pescatarian recently as well for my health. It’s also awesome you’re looking into sustainable methods of sourcing your food, and still open to veganism! Happy for you and thank you for sharing ❤️❤️


  12. Hey Margot! I just read your blog post and I love everything you said. I decided to go vegan in March of this year due to health issues. It seemed to take away all my health problems but 3.5 months later all my symptoms came back. I stayed vegan for a total of 4 months. But dealing with a chronic illness and trying to find that passion for veganism ,which I had lost, really started to tire me mentally. Like you, I have nothing against veganism and I loved it! But at this time my energy and focus needs to be on my chronic disabilities rather than a vegan lifestyle. I needed to read this post today, thankyou so much.


  13. Be empowered by your decision! I’m an SU alum–I stumbled across your Insta and blog at some point and love your uplifting spirit! You are amazing for sticking to a vegan lifestyle for your first two years of college…NOT an easy feat. I think you have a lot of self awareness, and taking care of what’s right for you at THIS point in your life is what’s most important. Sometimes scaling back/letting go for a while is the best self care! You can always come back to it if you choose in the future when the time is right. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Completely agree with all this! I was strict vegan (bar eggs lol cos they’re too goooood) for about two years two, and this year made the decision to start incorporating a little fish and dairy into my diet. I think veganism teaches us amazing things about food, making us more ethically, environmentally and morally conscious of what we’re consuming. It’s an education that everyone should go through, in order (like we have) to come to more considered and conscious decisions about what we choose to eat.
    Being strict with our diets in the end only leads to unsatisfaction, and I completely believe that having a plant-heavy, but not pigeonholed or labelled diet is best for us mentally, physically and environmentally.
    Well done you for reflecting on your wellbeing and making positive changes early. While society is often quick to judge veganism as a short-cut route to an unhealthy/disorderly relationship with food (which I think is incorrect and unfair), my personal experience has shown that following a strict diet can indeed contribute to bigger issues. Marketing fads and Instagram aesthetics etc do lure us into a false sense of security, and I’ve learned it’s important to take a check on it all and actually ask ourselves what we want and what makes us happy.
    Best wishes from the UK, Sarah xo // https://roseturf.wordpress.com/


  15. I’m sorry that being vegan is an inconvenience to you lol, I thought you loved animals? Sorry, it’s just quite confusing, especially when you have so many options in America!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. good for you girl, its no ones body but your own and of course you always have full rule over how you fuel it


  17. I’m vegan for half a year now and sometimes it can be hard. I do make exceptions though and go for a vegetarian option at times. I think it shouldn’t be considered failure if you eat something non-vegan once in a while. For example when you’d be left starving at a party because the only vegan food is salad…
    Like you said it’s all about balance and feeling good. So if I eat one or two things in a month that contain milk for example I’m still doing a lot more for the planet than giving it up completely.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. This just made my entire night. I was vegan for about 2 years and you were someone who i started watching when i became vegan, and really admired how you were also a vegan in college too. I recently had a severe health scare which caused me to try incorporating dairy again ( i knew i was getting the right nutrients, but DRs started getting in my head and I was willing to try anything at that point) and i started feeling better! I hated it for the longest time, because i have felt SO guilty about it. Hearing you come out and say this has made me feel insanely better. Sometimes you just need a break. No one is perfect, and we’re doing the best we can! I will definitely be vegan again, hopefully soon, but until i am ready, this has given me so much comfort to hear that i’m not alone and a terrible person!!


  19. Margot, I commend you for pursuing with your own beliefs. It’s easy to put on a front or present an idealistic picture when you have a large following.

    Myself and many friends have tested Veganism at some point in the past, most of which are no longer following health complications and/or other factors (mostly from further research).

    Initially, the ethical and environmental reasoning behind Veganism can be easily understood, especially in relation to animal agriculture (particularly when judging American welfare standards) but we ALL must look at the bigger picture – this includes the immeasurable impact of mass, yearly Crop production. Specifically Genetically Modified crops (93% of total crops in the USA are GM)

    I suggest watching, Genetic Roulette https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sUNxX0OxP8

    This documentary focuses on the environmental, animal and human health risks of Genetic Modification of crops/plants, it’s effects on wildlife, soil nutrient depletion, water toxicity (primarily caused by the toxic chemicals constantly used along side GMO).

    GM is not to be confused with genetic selection which has been used long-term to make fruits, sweeter or potatoes, larger in size. Also to be noted, is the fact GM and studies surrounding it are heavily controlled. and funded by the beneficiary, Monsanto Corp.

    I assume this documentary may interest you, as its obvious you are conscious of your own health as well as sustainability & the environmental impact of food production.

    After being strongly advised by my lecturer into researching the subject of GMO’s, I now feel more uneasy at the thought of consuming non-Organic grains/plants/legumes in comparison to Eggs, Fish or any animal product; assuming the poultry is grass raised and the fish is wild caught. The long-term implications of GM agriculture is devastating.

    In turn, I’ve also focused my University research into 100% grass-fed animal production (without the use of artificial fertiliser, anti-biotics, grain feed, hormones or housed environments). This method of raising animals naturally, holds huge benefits in regards to land health, sustainability as well as the nutritional value to humans, which opposes that of feed-lot raised meats.

    A few basic but insightful clips on the subject

    Feel free to make your own judgements on this topic. I hope you find this info insightful.

    Great blog & channel btw!

    Love from the UK..


  20. I love that you are just being honest with yourself and others by telling what is actually in your mind about being vegan and not trying to bash veganism. I really appreciate this honest opinion 🙂

    from Sara


  21. We all love and support you no matter what you do!! I have watched you from the very beggining and ive seen the growth in your channel and in yourself, and you are an amazing person. Changing this one thing wont make me or anyone look at you differntly. Your beautiful inside and out and you always have my full support on whatever you do!! Love you and have the best day xxx
    Keep doing you


  22. As a vegan, I think this is a bit sad to read, but I’m glad you are still taking sustainability into account, even though you have decided to consume animal products again and if you are able to live 90% plant based for 10 years, that’s a far better choice than living 100% plant based for 2 years! All the best to you. ❤


  23. Good for you listening to what your body was telling you. Eating meat heals the body.


  24. This is such a great post, I would love to go vegan in the future but have always worried that it would feel a little bit constraining at first- but reading about your experience and how you’re balancing veganism with a little bit of fish and dairy is really inspiring!


  25. Reblogged this on Best Slimming Tea and commented:
    a great read


  26. Time And health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.


  27. I relate to this! Except I was a vegetarian for 4 years and a vegan for a little under a year. I definitely believe in a plant-based diet and can’t wait to return to it when I’m a little more settled. Still trying to eat as little meat and animal products as I can!



  28. I know the feels I have been vegan for almost 3 years and I always did it for ethnical reasons but now I don’t know and I’m trying to find justification as stop but I’m not stopping for health reasons or any other reasons other than a non vegan lifestyle intrigues me so the only thing that’s stopping me is how do I not feel guilty about stopping the fight for animal justice? Ever since being vegan I have believed every living being is equal so my only reason I haven’t taken the plunge is that I feel like I’m deserting the animals… I’ve done animal activism such as demos on the street and seen the animals in the live export trucks and I don’t want to support that I don’t necessarily want to be vegan. Sorry about the rant/tangent but I can’t find any other blogs that aren’t about health reasons like this one.


  29. Why can’t you just admit you stopped being vegan because you developed health problems?


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